Ariane studied at the Royal College of Music and is a performer and teacher based in London. The cello is her first love but she also plays the piano.

Most of her free time is spent reading and writing, having always loved literature from a young age. Just before Christmas, Ariane started an online blog called "Poetry Corner" to share some of her poems and short stories. 

She was recently successful in getting her work "Look Up" accepted for publication by Spillwords Press, which, as of the 15th January, will be available to read here:

Ariane writes all of her poetry and stories from personal experience and finds inspiration in every day life and the things that happen to those around her. Her work focuses strongly around mental health, as she believes in honest and open communcation, whether it be through music or the written word.

Name: Ariane Zandi
Current Member: No
Joined Channillo: January 2020
Followers: 7   Following: 10
Twitter: @PoetryCorner3
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