Dina Paulson-McEwen is a poet, essayist, and flash fiction writer. Her chapbook manuscript was a 2017 finalist in the Finishing Line Press New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competition and is forthcoming in their New Women’s Voices Chapbook Series. Her work appears in Flash Fiction Magazine, FlashFlood, Minola Review, Dying Dahlia Review, The Ham Free Press, The Hungry Chimera and elsewhere, and has been exhibited at Hudson Guild Gallery in New York City. (Some work appears under her maiden name, Dina Paulson). 

She is assistant managing editor at Compose | A Journal of Simply Good Writing and editor at Flash Fiction Magazine. Dina holds a B.A. in Writing & Rhetoric from William Smith College and an M.A. in International Educational Development from Columbia University. She lives in Detroit. You can connect with her on Twitter @writeandsea.


Name: Dina Paulson-McEwen
Current Member: No
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Joined Channillo: July 2016
Channillo Series: Dear Writer
Followers: 22   Following: 15
Twitter: @writeandsea
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