Echo of the Past: The Ancient Forest (2)
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in the distance. So majestic was its stature that even from afar, its girth occluded the northern vista, its canopy piercing the clouds to dominate the skies above.

"It was the very moment when life began to break through. From her offspring sprang the first Yoshvei haYa'arot. Born as the inaugural children of nature, we were imbued with the sacred duty to nurture all its denizens, to infuse it with life and uphold the harmony that sustains it," she concluded, her gaze both elevating and solemn, capturing the attention of the youths encircling her.

"Then, the Primemother, upon reaching the zenith of her vigor, dispersed her seeds throughout the expanse of Unia. Carried by the whims of the winds, these seeds landed in various corners of our world, giving rise to many other races—Humans...

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