Night of the Departed Souls: Part 7 (4)
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the creature made a sudden dash towards the path where they had camped, seeking refuge in the only place it felt safe. To Miguel’s chagrin and secret relief, the glimmerfoot found sanctuary by scampering behind the still-sleeping Daniel, curling up in the protective shadow the boy cast under the moonlight. There, behind the small druid, it lay still, hoping to blend into the night undetected.

"Seems like I've lost," he murmured, a wry smile easing the hard lines of worry etched into his face from the night's ordeals. His gaze lingered upon Rigel, her youthful innocence draped in the serenity of sleep. Her occasional snuffles pierced the stillness, lending an endearing vulnerability to her slumbering form. "¿Adulto, huh?" he mused softly, the irony not lost on him as he observed her...

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