Night of the Departed Souls: Part 6 (3)
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solid earth. Daniel, smeared with grime, launched himself into his mother's waiting arms, his tears mingling with the dirt on his cheeks. Tabitha, her heart swelling with relief and pride, enveloped her son in an embrace that fused joy and relief with a mother's boundless love. "How did you do it, Daniel? You are amazing!" she praised, pulling Daniel into a tight embrace to savor the warmth of his presence. However, this fleeting comfort was quickly snuffed out by the icy gusts that swept through the air.

The gargantuan bird, previously grounded and writhing in agony, let out a heart-wrenching, pitiful wail and took flight, its vast wings beat heavily against the tumultuous air, casting a fierce gale that whipped through the village. The wind, laden with the sharp, earthy scent of blood, lashe...

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