Night of the Departed Souls: Part 5 (3)
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Run and don’t look back!"

Caught in a precarious balance between salvation and doom, the group found themselves trapped in an ordeal reminiscent of ancient sagas, where heroes tread narrow paths between the wrath of battling titans. The air, heavy with the scent of sky giants' blood, buzzed with the tension. Powerful gusts, sharp as blades and heavy as mountains, repeatedly threatened to end the lives of Baruch and his companions. Debris from the skyborne conflict rained around them—slabs of scales, shards of bone, each capable of ending their desperate flight in tragedy.

Yet, amidst the havoc unleashed by the dueling behemoths above, Baruch’s leadership was their compass in the storm. His resolve and mastery deflected the deadly barrage of sky-born remnants. The once vast expanse that se...

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