Night of the Departed Souls: Part 5 (2)
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roar's might was unparalleled, threatening to shatter every shred of the living, its echo a palpable force that made the earth quiver and the heavens themselves seem to crack. Baruch, with a resolve born of love, clutched Tabitha close, his embrace a futile shield against the impending cataclysm. Then, an eerie silence descended, so deep it seemed the entire world held its breath in anticipation.

Yet, Baruch's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself enshrouded within a dome of interwoven tree roots, a natural shell that had momentarily thwarted their doom. But as this protective cocoon crumbled away, the devastation that unfolded spoke volumes of a grievous sacrifice. The verdant thicket, nurtured by their devotion and love, was reduced to ashes, leaving behind only barren earth and the mournful silhouette of a sin...

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