Night of the Departed Souls: Part 2 (3)
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the very depths of her being, traveled a painstaking journey from her grounded feet, surged upward through her core, and into the welcoming embrace of the oak. From there, it delved into the roots, a quiet blessing that seeped further into the earth itself. This ritual—a relentless cascade of vitality—was not momentary but spanned the wearisome hours, gradually painting the world around her in more vivid hues; grass blades seemed to reach higher, cloaked in a more vibrant sheen of green, and flowers unfurled their petals in bursts of color more resplendent than before.

As the sun pursued its slow journey across the sky, Tabitha remained steadfast, a solitary figure bound to her sacred task. The transformation she wrought in the grove was a testament to hours of silent toil, a labor of love and duty tha...

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