Chapter 1: Rennies
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Eden Fresberg sat in front of the cameras at the online talk show Entertainment Little Water. She wore a 16th Century Scottish female costume as she prepared to discuss the beginning of the upcoming Renaissance faire season with talk show host Duke Jennings.

"Welcome to Entertainment Little Water. Jennings began. "Today we've got Eden Fresberg, leader of the local Guild of St. Magnus. So tell us about about the Renaissance faire, Eden.

"The first Renaissance faire is here in Little Water," Eden began. It's Saturday, March 24th, and Sunday, March  25. There are various vendors, juggling, belly dancing, jousting, and Henry VII and his court will preside."

Jagger would have to just ignore his ex-girlfriend Sabrina to the best of his ability at faire. Coming home after a hard day's work at the online TV station and catching her in bed with her new beau Tim was more than he could stand. That's also the reason kicking her out was the smartest thing he'd done all week. Soon, coupons for the faire would print, and he and many other faire people would distribute them everywhere they could. It seemed as if the previous faire season had ended a week or two ago, but as always, the second week of November marked the end of each faire season. 

This would be his seventh year working as a cameraman for his place of work, and he loved it more than all of his past jobs. His employers praised him often for his seamless work. He thought about maybe taking a job as a cameraman or floor supervisor in a bigger market, but he saw nothing wrong with staying put. 

As he got into his car, he reminded himself that his latest breakup was the best thing that had happened to him. 

Jagger drove for about half an hour to his friend Sean's horse ranch on the outskirts of town. Sean and his horses, Titan and Dragon, participated in the jousting events that some faires had. Jagger looked forward to the joust at the upcoming faire. He also looked forward to horseback riding with Sean as they talked. 

Sean always hugged Jagger when he came to visit. In no time, they hit the horse stalls. As always, Titan sniffed Jagger affectionately. As Jagger mounted him, Sean mounted Dragon, and they rode around the property.

"Titan adores you, Jagger," Sean reminded him.

"It's nice to come here and be reminded," Jagger said. The sound of the horses' hooves always filled Jagger with delight. The ranch was one of his favorite places to be.

"So what's the latest concerning the Guild Of St. Magnus, Jag?" Sean asked.

"One thing I've noticed is that some people have issues with Eden, Sean. At one faire, she signed us up for kitchen duty for St. Henry's."

"What's wrong with kitchen duty for Henry VIII and his court?" Sean asked. "I did it a few years back when I was in a guild."

"It's all right," Jagger assessed. "A couple of members of my guild think it's a drag, and Eden doesn't ask us if we want to do it. She doesn't even ask us which faires we want to go to as a guild. Ron has a gripe about that."

"So what do you think will happen to your guild?" Sean asked.

"Eventually, they'll get tired of it and likely speak out," Jagger speculated.

"I've got no issues with doing household for the noble guilds," Jagger said with a shrug."

Titan seemed to have a spring in his step as Jagger rode him. It warmed both men's hearts. The horses were Sean's pride and joy, as well as his bread and butter. Or at least his butter.

"Ron was even asking people at the Pittsburgh faire if anyone wants to go to the Tulare County Renaissance faire," Jagger added. "Eden told us that she doesn't do faires produced by the guild that runs Tulare for some reason. She claimed that she didn't like the way those faires are run, but I heard Ron reason that Eden has what he thinks is a personal beef with the Tulare producer."

"So what do you think?" Ron asked. "Do you think it's unfair that Eden doesn't let you have a vote or something?"

"I may suggest it," Jagger said," but Ron and whoever else are free to either sign up and help a guild at Tulare for the weekend or just pay for it. I haven't been there in a couple of years. So either way, next season, I might go one way or another."

"Maybe we can go together," Sean offered. "I'll have to look at my calendar. Race you back to the barn."

"Sure," Jagger agreed. 

They raced back to the barn, and Titan got there first. Apparently, he was trying to impress Jagger.

Plump and busty St. Magnus cook Char had offered to make crystal vendor Lisa a complete Renaissance costume for $175. It was good to do various things, she always thought. She wore a charcoal pencil dress and a gold pair of high-heel sandals as she awaited China's visit to try the costume on and make the transaction. It was jet black with a red underdress and Irish sleeves. the trim on the wrists and neckline was Celtic knotting. A beautiful piece. 

When the doorbell rang, Char patted down the front of her dress. Her shoes might have been a bit much, but she wanted to turn China on. Char's heart raced as she opened the door with a welcoming smile.

"Good afternoon, China honey!" she chirped. She quickly took in the view of this lovely 20-something African American woman's body and her long, light brown hair. She also was happy and aroused to notice that Lisa was dressed in a purple blouse, charcoal skirt...and black slides. 

"Hi," China said in her soft, cozy voice. she entered the apartment and Char pointed the costume out to her.

"Oh, I can't wait to try it on," China beamed. She took it off the hanger and slipped into it with Char's help. 

"Now, let's try the corset," Char said. Once it was laced, it flattered  China's nubile body. After she paid Char and changed back, Char invited the young faire lady to sit down on the living room sofa for a few minutes. After talking about the upcoming faire season, Char's heart raced. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She decided now was her chance. She gazed into Lisa's eyes. 

"What is it?" Lisa quietly asked with an uneasy smile. 

"You know you're one of the hottest younger women at faire, right?" Char said.

"Me?" Lisa questioned. "No, I don't know, but it's nice to be thought that way."

Sexually aroused Char locked her baby blues with Lisa' brown eyes and the two women gravitated toward each other. Their lips met softly, and after the initial kiss, China quivered.

"Uh, Char," she stuttered. 

"Yes?" Char said with a smile.

"I've never done this with a woman before," China admitted. 

"It's all right, baby," Char assured her. "I'm quite seasoned."






Next: Chapter 2: Kayleigh Bourne

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