An Unexpected Duel
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It was days before Marklus saw Alaireia again. During that time he met with Ackhor, the fearless leader of the Fighting Camp, to account for his whereabouts the last few months. Ackhor listened but did not have much to say. In the end he encouraged Marklus to take up training, lest he wander into enemy territory again, unprepared. Sensing the underhanded rebuke, Marklus once again took up the bow and arrow. Crinte refused to provide any more insight into exactly what was going on at the fortress, besides the obvious training of an army. He told Marklus they were leaving soon and he should recover his strength before their journey began.

            One morning, as usual, Marklus selected a practice bow and sheath of arrows from the armory and followed a group of a...

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