Chapter Fourteen: Property Rights (2)
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Agency (NRWA), which provided houses to families that were displaced from West Jerusalem in 1948.

            Aref Hammad, head of the Sheikh Jarrah neigh-borhood housing committee, has lived in the neigh-borhood since 1956 in a home provided by UNRWA after his family emigrated from the city of Haifa after 1948. Today, 18 family members, including eight children, live in this home. “The court’s decision paves the way for the real battle to prove the true ownership of the Sheikh Jarrah lands,” he said.


Saleh Diab was born, got married, and raised five children in Sheikh Jarrah. In 1948, he said his mother fled to her sister’s home in East Jerusalem—then under Jordanian control—to escape the war...

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