Rigorous Training – Chapter Three – The End (1)
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Rigorous Training by Lisa Fox – Chapter Three

Days passed. Nights came and went. They did drills. Cardio. Beam work. Hours upon hours on the uneven bars. Her vault dismount was so outrageous, it would take the gold all on its own. Every aspect of her game improved.

But it was torture. He made sure that it was. She’d showed up the first morning and knew she was in trouble the minute she saw his smile. All day long he tormented her with blatant gropes and subtle caresses, spankings, and light taps of the cane. She barely made it through the entire workout, and the only thing that held her back was the sadistic twinkle in his eyes and her refusal to give him any satisfaction.

She survived the day, but it was for the wrong reason, she reflected in her bed that n...

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