Roots and Corpses
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Poor thing. Powerful without measurement. Alone forever.

His life without light.

But bless his fate, for the end of it marks the end of us.



Yggdrasil is the old Nordic World Tree, a symbol of the living universe. This tree unifies the worlds of Asgard, Midgard and Niflheim. Each of these worlds has three sub-realms, therefore, in Norse cosmogony there are nine worlds, only one of them inhabited by humans.

In this nine-world unified universe, the sky is held up by four dwarfs. The sun and moon are chased by two wolves in an eternal cycle of day and night. The earth is encircled by the World Serpent—Jörmungandr—biting its own tail. Tree roots sustain the Yggdrasil. One root is placed over Niflheimr, the World o...

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