Esmé Chapter 7
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“Does Peter know?” Wendy asked me, wringing out her wet hair on the shore. We’d just returned from watching Slightly and Tiger Lily. Wendy almost screamed in excitement when she saw them. I had to clap a hand over her mouth. 

“I haven’t told him,” I said. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew and didn’t want to tell me.” Peter always had a whimsical silence about him. Observing and carrying on his way, not cunning or dishonest, but simply not compelled to share information. On top of that, I knew he had a soft spot for Tiger Lily. She was like a sister to him. He may see her and Slightly’s relationship as a danger. Making her vulnerable to Hook’s army. He’d likely be unhappy to see her waiting alone by a fire. The...

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