Esmé Chapter 2
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Wendy came into the island like she did the first time and every time since. From the sky. Before Tinker Bell surrendered to Hook’s authorities, she left Peter a parting gift. The rest of her pixie dust, cinched up in a tiny sack. For him to give to Wendy, she instructed. There was enough to keep her coming back each year of her life. Peter wept when she gave it to him. Not only because he knew Tink was going away, but because as a last gesture, she let go of the largest rift between them. She approved. 

Wendy was inconsolable when she returned to find the news of the aging mandate, Tink’s death, and her gift. She congratulated me and Peter on our engagement, but I was suspicious. There was always the unsaid sentiment between them that he’d be with her if h...

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